Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dear 2017...

You've been really tough on me.

I have passed the point of questioning why, of all the people, would it all fall on me - fast and one after another.

I lost mobility for three months because of an awful accident.

I lost a job.

I lost M.

I've been fending for my life for the last three months trying to make ends meet. And accruing credit after credit after credit. I'm practically in deep debt shit.

I know I've been making bad decisions.

Unsound ones.

I know I've been making unsustainable choices.

Decisions I don't want to regret - but starting to.

You've given me the worst I have ever had.

And I find it really hard to pick myself up - there's just too much of a mess of everything.

I'm just really ready to give up.



UPDATE 1 (21 Dec. 2017)

I forget sometimes that this is a public blog. Most of the time, when I write here, I just really want a release and to remember key moments in my heart and mind.

So for you, who reads this, thank you for the silent company. We are kindred spirits.


  1. Please don't give up. You are not alone...

  2. Replies
    1. I won't. Thank you. I just really needed to release it.

  3. hey. just dont give up, sir. all will be well.

  4. *hugs* let's look forward to a better year this 2018.

  5. Hugs right back!

    Yes! 2018 will be a blast!

  6. Miss u sir and ur entries.

    1. I miss everything about writing too. Thank you for your word. :)
